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Aside from possessing deadly accuracy from beyond the three-point arc, ballers aspiring to be the next Steph Curry must dedicate themselves to perfecting their ball handling skills — but even a little daily practice can pay big dividends.


In the above video, Tony Watson II of Pro Training shares his five-minute routine for developing Curry-esque handles.

Improve your ball handling in five minutes a day

  • Ten ball slaps to work on hand strength
  • Five up and down finger tips
  • Pass the ball five times around your head, then reverse direction
  • Pass the ball five times around your waist, then reverse direction
  • Pass the ball five times around both legs, then reverse direction
  • Pass the ball five times around the right leg, then reverse direction (repeat with the left leg)
  • Make five figure eights with the ball between your legs, then reverse
  • Do five one-leg two-legs, then reverse
  • Twenty low dribbles (one hand, then the other)
  • Ten pound dribbles (one hand, then the other)
  • Quick dribble five times around right leg with one hand (repeat with the left leg)
  • Quick dribble five figure eights with the ball between your legs, then reverse
  • Five wind-shield wiper dribbles (both hands)
  • Five walk-the-dog dribbles (both hands)
  • Five dog-wiper dribbles (both hands)
  • Ten crossover dribbles (left-right counts as one)
  • Ten between-the-leg dribbles (both ways)
  • Ten figure-eight dribbles between the legs
  • Ten behind-the-back dribbles
  • Ten between-the-legs-cross dribbles (both ways)
  • Ten between-the-leg-behind-the-back dribbles (both ways)

Be sure to keep your back straight and your gaze up throughout the drills. When your legs start to burn, try to fight through the pain.


Even if Watson’s ball-handling drill isn’t enough to land you a spot on the Golden State Warriors, it will still go a long way toward upping your game. Who knows… if you get good enough, you might just find yourself showing off your dribbling skills in an Infiniti ad.