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Part of the job description for a pro wrestling heel, is to rile up an audience by degrading their cherished icons or by rubbing salt into a collective wound. WWE Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins scored on both accounts during his Monday Night Raw appearance in Cleveland.

Rollins calls out Manziel, LeBron – ESPN Video

Rollins taunted Browns quarterback Johnny Manziel who was in attendance, but also called out LeBron James and eluded to the long championship drought the city has endured. Just about the only dig he failed to dredge up was the Cuyahoga River fire from 1969.

“Johnny Idiot Face over there is never going to bring you a title. LeBron James ain't bringing a title back to Cleveland. This is the only championship you should be celebrating.”

— WWE champ Seth Rollins


Perhaps Rollins can be cut a little slack for his emotional tirade, as he was coming off an exhausting title defense over Dean Ambrose on Sunday night.

Rollins championship reign could be short lived as his WWE Battleground 2015 opponent was announced as none other than man-beast Brock Lesnar.

While Rollin’s defeat may provide some measure of solace to Cleveland fans, all will be forgiven (and quickly forgotten) if James can somehow lead the Cavaliers to victory in the next two games.

As for Manziel, he took the trolling in stride, and was spotted in good spirits posing with The Miz.